19 August 2010

The Dark Arts: Alexander McQueen and Tom Ford Campaigns

The most interesting eyewear campaigns for Fall 2010, in my opinion, are Alexander McQueen and Tom Ford's. Both border on the macabre. And both are successfully awesome because of it.

Freja Beha is as pretty as ever as the face of the Tom Ford campaign, which was shot by the designer and inspired by the Hitchcock classic The Birds.

I like these shots quite a bit, but if I'm honest, I could do without the nipple-biting raven one. Ow.

The Alexander McQueen ads, starring only a human skull, are pitch perfect. Well played.


Tales of Whimsy said...

I'm loving these shades!

Lani said...

I love alexander mcqueen sunglasses.

OneSpecs Online Opticians said...

Yeah Alexander McQueen is pretty dark in its image. I think they must be targetting the goth market?!?